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ФОТО. Гейл, пятый сезон и не только.


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shimatta: Чудные фоты, особенно Тед.

Naya: Да уж, хотя мне было несколько страшновато на него такого смотреть :) Понравился Майкл с ребенком, хотя никогда он меня особо не впечатлял... и Джастин, конечно, Джастин! Кстати, первые 2 серии пятого сезона можно скачать вот с этого сайта http://queerasfolk.wired-hub.net/home.html в Мультимедия - Эпизоды.

Brastin: ах...

Bla-Bla-Bla: Naya По-моему проще скачать из целиком. Хотя... если коннект барахлит, то можно и так.

serar: Bla-Bla-Bla пишет: цитатаПо-моему проще скачать из целиком А откуда?

jonei: Мурь... ТовариСЧ Гейл подкачался ещё чуть-чуть. Сразу видно, чувствует дяденька возраст... А лицо у него как-то резко постарело, уже даже выглядит старше чем законные 35...

serar: jonei пишет: цитатаА лицо у него как-то резко постарело Кстати не смотря на продолжающую симпатию к герою и актеру.Мне это бросилось в глаза в 4 сезоне.Понятно время не пощадит никого,но как то резко.

jonei: serar пишет: цитатано как то резко Вот и я это говорю... сравнить его в третьем. Ну, и сейчас. А можно вопрос, с бородой ходит только Гейл или от Брая тоже можно ожидать ЭТОГО...

serar: jonei пишет: цитатаА можно вопрос, с бородой Если это вопрос к Гейлу ,то боюсь ,что только он на него ответит.Если к Брайану ,то от сценаристов конечно можно всякое ожидать.Но это не образ Брайана будет это точно.Потом ,мое сугубо личное наблюдение.Может Карла Маркса борода и делала солиднее,в большинстве случаев вся эта излишняя растительность очень старит лицо. Ну, а сравнивать его лучше не с третим ,а с первым сезоном.Да уж...

jonei: serar пишет: цитатаМожет Карла Маркса борода и делала солиднее ... то Гейл просто похож на бродягу... serar пишет: цитатаа сравнивать его лучше не с третим ,а с первым сезоном Вот давайте не будем про первый... а то кто-то слюной захлебнётся, подавится и помрёт... ВСЕМ НА ЗЛО.

serar: jonei пишет: цитата... то Гейл просто похож на бродягу... Ну и пускай ,все равно нравится ,хотя...

jonei: serar нет... мне как раз не нравится он в таком видосе... старый дед... (мне он тоже кстати нравится), но очень не хоЦЦа, что б он в таком виде был...

serar: jonei Теперь доперло до меня,а то я подумал что такая симпатяга из первого не катит.И судорожно стал вспоминать как он выглядит в третьем. jonei пишет: цитатано очень не хоЦЦа, что б он в таком виде был... согласен!!!

Brastin: Bla-Bla-Bla так... где подробное описание каждой серии?

jonei: serar пишет: цитатаа то я подумал что такая симпатяга из первого не катит Ты что не катит... катит ещё и как катит...

shimatta: jonei пишет: цитатаА лицо у него как-то резко постарело Может, гримеры стали халтурить?.. Но зато это хорошо согласуется с сериалом – после всех своих проблем, болячек и химиотерапии Брайан просто обязан выглядеть хуже.

jonei: shimatta пишет: цитатаБрайан просто обязан выглядеть хуже Ну, любовь там и вся эта лабуда - должен расцвести, а химиятеропия у него откедова?

shimatta: В 4 сезоне он лечился от рака.

SomyGirl: Мне прическа Брайна не особо нравиться, а вот Бэн такой симпатяга!

Кристи : баалин, ну на кого тэд стал похож? мне прям обидно.

Naya: Кстати, у меня вопрос, а кто-нибудь видел уже эти 2 эпизода? Меня интересует, все ли спойлеры верны были? И да, может, кто-нибудь знает ссылки на интервью с создателями, где они говорят что-то об окончании сериала? в смысле что-нибудь из серии "конец будет неожиданным, оставляющим простор для воображения"?

Bla-Bla-Bla: Naya Те спойлеры, которые я читала полностью соответствую содержанию первых двух серий, местами даже дословно.

Naya: Bla-Bla-Bla Последние разбитые надежды, что конец может быть не таким ужасным... Ясно. спасибо Значит, скорее вего в 13 получим тоже то, что в спойлерах.

shimatta: А что такого ужасного в том, что Джастин уедет? Он же всегда будет возвращаться к Брайану.

shimatta: На стилистах в 4 сезоне явно сэкономили. Все как один – с прическами «под дурачков». Кроме Джастина. Видимо, не получилось причесать его под дурачка – слишком волосы короткие.

Naya: shimatta Но нам то этого не покажут. И откуда мы знаем, что будет возвращаться? А конец в виде бедного одинокого танцующего в Вавилоне Брайана мне совсем не нравится.... Про волосы у Джастина мне тоже жаль Мне нравился он в виде третьего, на худой конец середины второго...

jonei: А мне вообще как-то кажется, что 5-это далеко не канец... Вот, не складно как-то получается. По-ходу, что б закончить. чисто по американски, надо что б добро победило зло ( в мире от сифилиса умерли все гомофобы), что бы главные гепрои остались навсегда вместе, в одиночку кто-нить спас мир от армии террористов и ещё чё-нить такое... Так что ИМХО... ждите прожолжение банкета!

Bla-Bla-Bla: jonei А вот это зря. Тут речь идет о деньгах, а так как Рэнди контракт подписывать на 6 сезон точно и заранее отказался, то там уже ничего не светит. Так что этот сезон - 100% последний, уних даже рекламная компания называется - going out with a bang, думаю переводить не надо, итак все понятно.

jonei: Bla-Bla-Bla м-дя... вот это плохо конечно. Блин, вот взяла и одним постом все надежды разбилы. Хнык! А может его Гейл уласкает, упросит, а?

SomyGirl: В своем последнем интервью создатели , еше раз сказали о том , что они с самого начала планировали пять сезонов и ничего о шестом неговорили . Еще они сказали , что даже не ращитивали на такой успех и всем более чем довольны !

jonei: Конечно не расчитывали, откуда они знали, что в мире столько девочек, девушек. женщин, бабушек склонных к ... а забыла. как это называется. Не важно походу. Но знаете. Это не только потму что мальчикам нравится наблюдать за лесбами, а девочкам - за геями, просто реально классные актёры. очень точно передали все чувства... Сюжет шикарный, сценарий. постановка... а самое главное для меня - МУЗЫКА.

Quatre: jonei, но Каф не только девушки смотрят, кстати ))))

shimatta: Подозреваю, что девушек несравнимо больше.

jonei: shimatta воть..да. По-любому в основном это-девушки, оснавная масса. И на нас собственно и расчитано. А побочный эфект (боже, вот щас опять кого-нить обижу нечаянно) - эьто только на руку продюссерам!

Naya: jonei Кстати, *посматривая в сторону англоговорящего комьюнити*, парней там тоже достаточно. Причем из разговоров понятно, что много геев... Я бы даже не стала утверждать, что девушек больше. Может, если и больше, то не намного... А в России... Это все связано с тем, скорее всего, что сам сериал распространяется только в определенных кругах, где как раз больше девушек. Показывали бы по телевизору, уверена, было бы куча парней фанатов.

serar: Ничего личного,но не надо что то преуменьшать,а что то преувеличивать.То что фильм смотрят и девчонки.Это здорово,но вот то что их большинство???? и Россия или не Россия здесь совершенно не причем.Из числа моих знакомых и их не мало только ребята .Никакой я не женоненавистник.Но понятно ,что мужику проще примерить на себя мужскую роль из этого кино,чем представить себя Деби или Мелани с Линдзи.Кстати перепитии этих подруг как раз второстепенны ,хотя и в общей конве сценария геи и лесби.Так что фраза " По-любому в основном это-девушки, основная масса. И на нас собственно и расчитано" все же преувеличение ,если не сказать попытка выдать желаемое за действительное.Еще раз ничего личного.Все мы человеки,поэтому любим , и переживаем за тех кого любим!!!

SomyGirl: Просто подобные сериалы неважно про геев или про натуралов , про семью или про любовников , подруг или коллег обычно смотрят женщины .Мужчины смотрят либо за компанию или так случайно ради интереса .Сколько парней я знаю и мой отец и брат обычно просят переключить канал когда мы смотрим сериалы , они смеются над шутками но так и ждут выхватить пульт из рук и поставить на "Криминальную Россию" или " Менты ".А я наши бандитские сериалы просто НЕНАВИЖУ!!!!

shimatta: Рассчитано, конечно, не на нас, девочек, ясный пончик. Просто женщин вообще на порядок больше живет на свете, чем мужчин-геев. Вот потому я и предполагаю, что девочек, смотрящих сериал, больше, чем мальчиков, смотрящих сериал. Это имхо, конечно.

Quatre: Короче, всех одинаково много, все смотрят и всем нравится. Проверить кого больше всё равно никак нельзя, да и какая разница )

Bla-Bla-Bla: Quatre Согласна, мы явно не из статистического бюро.

jonei: Naya пишет: цитатабыло бы куча парней фанатов. а я как раз в другом уверенна. Словянская ментальность (не только русская. так как я сама не русская) очень отличается от американской. И всё же разница между геем и натуралом в нашей плоскости - это не просто разница. это пропасть. Так что думаю, у нас всё же больше бы девушки смотрели. А вот если бы там главными героями были лесбы - это другое дело. Их бы тогда от теликов не оттащишь.

SomyGirl: Проверить можно все!Для этого есть опросы - из http://www.emediawire.com/releases/2005/2/emw206438.htm New Study of Gay/Lesbian TV viewership behavior and pretences released from GLCensus Partners - Syracuse University & OpusComm Group. -Nearly 70% of lesbians watch "The L Word" -Almost 50% of viewers pick "Ellen" as their favorite performer -Over 95% find "Six Feet Under" as the most accurate gay portrayal Syracuse, NY (PRWEB) February 8, 2005 -- Gay men are from Mars and lesbians are from Venus when it comes to picking their favorite TV. Men gravitate toward shows featuring guys: Queer as Folk and Will & Grace; women go for "chick" shows: The L Word and The Ellen Show. While 32% of women say The L Word is their favorite show, .5% of men do. And Queer as Folk was the favorite of 26% of the men, but 10.2% of the women. Overall, 69.9% of women watch The L Word, compared to 22.4% of men, according to a new online study conducted Dec. 10-15 by GLCensus Partners, a research partnership between OpusComm Group and S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University.

jonei: М-дя.. называется опустили... Могу поспорить, что все эти мены - геи...

shimatta: Я не совсем поняла, опрос проводился только среди Gay men and lesbians ? Тогда нам такие цифры не годятся.

Bla-Bla-Bla: SomyGirl Интересное исследование, только почему-то в англоязычном фандоме в основном девушки, а парней, очень и очень мало.

Naya: А не подскажите, по каким дням сериал выходит в США? По две серии в неделю? или по одной?

asy99: Это не только потму что мальчикам нравится наблюдать за лесбами, а девочкам - за геями, просто реально классные актёры. очень точно передали все чувства... И я того же мнения. )

SomyGirl: NayaСериал выходит раз в неделю в воскресенье в 22:00 и всю следущюю неделю в 23:00 в повторе .

Naya: SomyGirl То есть у них вчера 503 крутили? а почему тогда в прошлую неделю сразу и 501 и 502 за одни выходные показали?

SomyGirl: Проверка ссылки click here

SomyGirl: Ура ссылка работает , значит я все сделала правильно.Раньше никогда не получалось! NayaВчера показывали 503, а 501и 502 вместе показали , что бы зрителю было интересней смотреть дальше .Ввести в курс событий ,особенно новых зрителей.Обычно делают первые серии двухчасовыми (pilot),но иногда могут и в начале сезона тоже так сделать . ФОТО 503

Bizarre: Naya пишет: цитатаТо есть у них вчера 503 крутили? а почему тогда в прошлую неделю сразу и 501 и 502 за одни выходные показали? Потому что пилот)) То есть как бы уже не пилот, но чтобы порадовать так долго ждавших нас

SomyGirl: Bizarre Я бы не выдержала еще неделю до 503 !Вообще увеличели бы серию до двух часов , последний сезон все-таки!А в англоязычных комьюнити собирают подписи на продолжения сериала , собираются оправлять Showtime !

jonei: А чё пор ссылке, расскажите, а то я качаю... а чё - не знаю...

SomyGirl: А там танец Брайна и Джастина из 309 . Я просто преверила , может удалить лучше ?

jonei: Да нет, не надо, пусть будетЮ, классно, я только что скачала! Эх, бедный Майки!

SomyGirl: Мне нравится поцелуй Джастина в шею !!

Naya: SomyGirl А ты пятый сезон сколько серий посмотрела? и где ты их берешь?

SomyGirl: Пока только первые две скачала , третей пока нет .Читала мнения смотрящих говорят , что 503 просто сепер , тамснялась подруга Мадоны Rossie O'Donell в качестве новой помошницы Дебби , еще говорят , что поменяли свое мнение о Линдси .Подождем посмотрим , заходи на http://queerasfolk.wired-hub.net/multimedia.html там можно скачать серии и клипы тоже .

Naya: SomyGirl Ужас.... по серии в неделю!!! При том, что я прочитала кучу спойлеров и просто умираю от желания это увидеть... Пойти повесится что ли сразу?

serar: SomyGirl пишет: цитатаПока только первые две скачала , третей пока нет http://queerasfolk.wired-hub.net/home.html а по моему уже есть,качаю...

SomyGirl: Naya Я тоже когда начинала смотреть сериал не могла ждать целую неделю , не понимала почему некоторые сериалы показывают каждый день а КВир не могут ?Ну потом превыкла такова система тв в сша .Если учесть , что одну серию снимают 10 дней , то понимаешь масштаб их работы .

jonei: Джаст кажется помолодел, Брй постарел...єх! А за ссылки спасибо, ща скачаем!

Naya: jonei Нет, Джас не помолодел Пересмотри первую серию первого сезона. Вот там он пацан пацаном.

SomyGirl: Почему все говорят , что Гейл постарел ?Вполне нормально выглядит .Дебби тоже молодец для своего возвраста выглядит хорошо .Может ей парик стоит снять ?

jonei: Naya пишет: цитатаВот там он пацан пацаном. Вот, как раз он перестал быть мальчиком, а стал юношей! Молодым, созревшим... ещё не мужчина, но уже и не мальчик! SomyGirl Нет, Гейл всегда нормально выглядит, я про Брайана... Может, это ход конём, что б приблизить к реальности?

SomyGirl: А что с Брайном ?

jonei: SomyGirl Ну, помнишь ккой у него был трабл на 30 лет? Вот мол решили сделать его более... э-э-э... мужчинистым!

SomyGirl: Если судить по поступкам , то после 4 сезона поведение Брайна в пятом это большой шаг назад .Сколько раз за 5 сезонов Брайн трахал парней в тот момент , когда Джастин заходит домой ?Вся эта история с Вавилоном и приватной комнатой у меня не вяжется со взрослым мужчиной . Если говорить о внешности , то конечно он стал более зрелым и в одежде это чувствуется .Темные тона , костюмы , пиджаки .....но я его любым люблю!

shimatta: А что было в приватной комнате? Пока что парень был только один, да и то Брайан Джастина домой не ждал еще несколько месяцев как минимум. Даже подозревал, что Джастин вовсе не вернется. Да и с какой стати красивому, умному Брайану в полном расцвете сил вдруг становиться моногамным?

SomyGirl: За 5 лет я так и неузнала всех героев до конца !!!! НАПИСАТЬ ПИСЬМО СОЗДАТЕЛЯМ??Уже поздно! Учится ли Джастин досих пор в институте ?Если да то , есть ли у него там друзья ровестинки ?Где родители Мэл и знают ли они , что у нее есть дочь ?Что с раком Брайна ?Лечится ли он , или теперь он лечится и от рака и от сифилиса одновременно !?! Мне так хочится узнать о них больше за пределами Вавилона и кафе ! Почему весь акцент ставиться только на отношения ? В прошлом сезоне создатели говорили , что герои стали более взрослыми и их реже увидишь в клубе , я надеялась в этом сезоне сцены в Вавилоне сократят до минимума .Каждая серия начинается именно там с тех же парней в золотистых трусах , что и 5 сезонов назад !я даже научилась предсказывать сюжетную линию вот схема средней серии Секс-Ожидания Джастина-Дети-Линдси разочарована в Мэл-Непонимания - Майк и Бэн -Дебби-проблемы Майкла и Кафе-_ Эммет-получает все в начале серии , остается ни с чем в конце-Тед-если встречает парня в начале , растается из-за какой-то чуши в конце , если он покрасился то позже поймет , что это не для него-Брайн-работа-как всегда доказывает , что лучший, остраумная шутка и никогда не проигрывает, позже Гас и советы Линдси-Вавилон-Майк с повиной к Бэну или наооборот-Джастин-секс с Брайном и опят ожидания !Конец!

shimatta: От рака Брайан вылечился, а Джастин у нас сейчас не в институте учится, а по Голливудам разъезжает. SomyGirl пишет: цитатас тех же парней в золотистых трусах Ха-ха! Точно!

SomyGirl: цитатаДжастин у нас сейчас не в институте учится, а по Голливудам разъезжает. Значит Брайн зря платил все эти годы ?А Джастин вернул бабло или натурой расплачивается ?

SomyGirl: У Питера Пейджа крутой бойфренд ! Queer as Folk helped make queer cool. So says Daniel Lipman, co-creator of the Showtime drama now in its fifth -- and final -- season. "There wouldn't be Queer Eye for the Straight Guy without Queer as Folk," Lipman says. "I don't mean to dis Will & Grace, but we set the standard. We're the granddaddy of them all." QAF, about a group of 30ish gay men and lesbians in Pittsburgh, ignited a firestorm of criticism when it debuted in December 2000, but it quickly became Showtime's most popular original series. Now, with the success of Bravo's Queer Eye and Showtime's The L Word, and with two gay cable networks up and running, QAF has lost some of its shock value. It's about time, says Peter Paige, who plays Emmett. "I hope we look back on this (QAF) and think, 'Wasn't that quaint?' We thought we were so cutting-edge, and look at us now," Paige says. "The rest of the world has caught up, thank God. . . . I'm really glad Queer Eye and Will & Grace are out there. They do a lot for visibility, and visibility is everything in a culture obsessed with its own reflection." Five years ago, Paige's manager urged him to pass on the role of Emmett because it would hurt his career. Paige is grateful he didn't listen. "It changed my life in a million ways, 999,000 of them for the better," says Paige, whose boyfriend of two years is production designer on CBS' The Amazing Race. "The most profound changes have nothing to do with being a working actor or making money or being a little bit famous." Paige says. "Playing someone as open and full of life as Emmett has helped me maneuver in the world differently." It didn't help Paige during the recent pilot season. His only audition calls were for "the funny, campy best friend with no life of his own. Why play this role? I already did it, in a more interesting, complicated, mature way." Paige is developing film and TV projects for his Best Little Boy Productions. His feature directorial debut, Say Uncle, will make the rounds this summer at gay film festivals. In a three-episode QAF arc that begins Sunday, waitress Debbie (Sharon Gless), who is straight and living with her man, becomes the object of affection of guest star Rosie O'Donnell. She plays an abused wife who runs away and gets a job as a waitress with Debbie at the diner. While shooting a CBS movie in Toronto last summer, O'Donnell told one of the crew, who worked on the Toronto-based QAF, that she wanted to be on the show. "By coincidence, we were working on a story line for Sharon," Lipman says. "Rosie said she'd do five lines or 10 episodes. She wanted to work with Sharon. It was a harmonic convergence."


Kinney: serar пишет: цитатаhttp://queerasfolk.wired-hub.net/home.html Баааалинство, ну ребят, что ж вы отдельной темкой не сделали? Сейчас там только третий эпизод.... А относительно первых двух я в пролёте буду ждать выкладку наших бравых админов...

serar: Kinney пишет: цитатаБаааалинство Ну попробуйте на ослике Emule ,там я скачал полностью 123.конечно качает медленно все таки файлообмен,зато верно.Качество достойное...

SomyGirl: Просто не нужно опаздывать .Серии-то заменяются ! ФОТО 504 . Многих в комьюнити этот эпизод жудко разочеровал , хочу быстрей посмотреть и узнать ПОЧЕМУ ?

Bizarre: SomyGirl пишет: цитатаМногих в комьюнити этот эпизод жудко разочеровал , хочу быстрей посмотреть и узнать ПОЧЕМУ ? Потому что все тоже самое, драйва нет, все вертится вокруг одного и того же - Линдси и Мелани все сорятся и сорятся, у Майкла семья-семья, а Брайан, вообще, напоминает кобру с дудочкой - сам себя зачаровывает: я Питер Пен, я Питер Пен, я буду трахать все, что движется, а брак для слабаков, я Питер Пен, я Питер Пен - и так сто раз по кругу И было такое чувство, что Джастина он уже этим заколебал...

SomyGirl: После твоего мнения я просто обязана посмотреть , не знаю когда закачаю !

shimatta: Три главных впечатления от 504: 1. Ну и мерзкий же муж у Лоретты! От такого мерзкого мужика кто угодно сбежит под любым предлогом. 2. Ну почему же ничего нового – пути Майкла и Брайана расходятся все больше и больше. И страдает от этого, похоже, только Брайан. Очередное его поражение. Как он старался, тренировал супергероев специально для Майки, а у того своя жизнь, ему теперь не до Брайана, не до «Вавилона» и не до супергероев. 3. А вот чего я Майклу никогда не прощу – КАК можно было додуматься – надолго забирать от матери такого маленького ребенка?!?!?! В таком возрасте дети должны вообще все время висеть на маме!

Bla-Bla-Bla: shimatta Насчет Брая согласна. Но *напевает* то ли еще будет. Брендон - хорош, однако.

Kinney: serar пишет: цитатаНу попробуйте на ослике Emule нельзя ли прямую ссылку? а то мне здесь только слово ослик знакомо, да и то подозреваю, что не о том думаю..

serar: Для этого надо вначале установить программу EMule.Ищем через поисковик или например http://emule.ru/ *** http://www.filebox.ru/p/emule *** ну ,а дальше после установки согласно инструкции , в поиске вводим например Queer as folk отбираем ,что нам нужно,естественно какой нибудь avi ,а не wmv и качаем.Пускай не быстро все же файловый обмен.Зато можно и остановки делать типа отключения компьютера от сети.Во всяком случае первые 4 серии пятого я уже посмотрел в достойном качестве... http://www.filebox.ru/articles/read/emule/ ,а это кстати описание

serar: Kinney click here это официальный сайт ослика

Kinney: serar огромное спасибо за объяснения, буду пытаться

Bla-Bla-Bla: Gale Gale 2 Gale 3 Gale 4 Gale 5 Gale 6 Gale 7 Gale 8 Gale 9 504 screencaps click here

SomyGirl: Долгожданое признание Брайна в любви ФОТО click here

SomyGirl: 505 фото click here click here click here click here Фильм Гейла " Particles of Truth " вышел на DVD www.amazon.com Видио интервью актеров с премьеры QAF click here Фильм Гейла "Fathers and sons" выходит на DVD 30 августа .

SomyGirl: ФОТО 506-510 SHOWTIME !!!!!!!! 506 click here click here click here 507 click here click here click here click here 508 click here click here click here click here 509 click here click here click here click here 510

Bla-Bla-Bla: SomyGirl я, кажется уже просила уменьшать фото или ставить сcылки.

SomyGirl: Гейл фото. http://tinypic.com/5y4tmv http://tinypic.com/5y4u1l

Bla-Bla-Bla: SomyGirl

SomyGirl: Queer as Folk Special edition pic. click here http://foto.rambler.ru/photos/r/o/robot_16/1/20/20.jpg http://foto.rambler.ru/photos/r/o/robot_16/1/005/005.jpg THE UNSEEN click here http://foto.rambler.ru/photos/r/o/robot_16/1/18/18.jpg click here click here click here click here Particeles of truth


SomyGirl: Episode 513Wow, is it really the finale? Well, here goes . . . The series finale begins with a voiceover from Michael while “Sleep” plays again. Michael talks about change as we see workers cleaning up the outside of Babylon. Who’d have thought that Babylon would be a bombed out memory, he wonders. Or that Mel and Lindz would be moving to Canada? A shot of them packing. Or that Ted would find true love? A scene of Ted and Vachon!Tad cuddling in bed together. Or that, even Michael is having a hard time saying it, that Mr. Brian Kinney would ask Mr. Justin Taylor for his hand in marriage. We see Brian being fitted for his tuxedo, costume designer Patrick Antosh is playing the tailor fitting Brian. He leaves and Justin steps out of the dressing room in his tux. “Holy shit,” both Michael and Brian have to say. Michael because he can’t believe it. Brian because he’s taken back by seeing Justin in his tux. “You look . . .” his voice trails off as he further appreciates Justin. Good or bad, Justin questions. “Beautiful,” Brian sincerely states. “I do?” Justin smiles and goes to the mirror. Brian follows, saying it’s no a question but a declaration. So try to be more emphatic when the minister asks for his answer. Justin laughs and turns to face Brian, they hold on to each other and Justin emphatically states “I do” as he smiles up at Brian. They kiss. A great shot of them kissing and it reflecting twice in the mirrors. Meanwhile, Michael’s voice over says, things at their house was the same as usual which, after the bombing, was just fine with him. We see Ben and Hunter at the kitchen table and Ben is helping him catch up on the school work he missed. The phone rings and Hunter goes to get it, leaving Michael and Ben alone at the table. Michael idly flips a page in Hunter’s notebook and sees were he has written “Hunter Novotny-Brucker” in it as if it were his name. Michael shows it to Ben. Hunter comes back and tells Michael the call is for him. Michael goes to answer and it’s the Committee for Human Rights. He thinks they are asking for a donation but it turns out they really want to meet with him. At the gym, Ted joins Emmett on the treadmill. Emmett is a bit miffed at Ted because Ted hasn’t called or visited in days, all he’s gotten from Ted was an e-mail saying he’d canceled his birthday bash. Ted says that Vachon wanted to take him away to Mt. Flame for gay ski week. An annoyed Em starts to walk off but then comes back and asks how long has Ted known Vachon? Only three weeks and he’s willing to cancel plans with his friends to go off with this guy? Ted accuses Em of being jealous but Emmett insists he’s not. He doesn’t like how Vachon is isolating Ted from his friends. Ted argues that he’s not, they just like spending time alone together. Enter Vachon!Tad wanting Ted to come shopping with him for their up-coming trip. Brian meeting with a client from Remson Pharmaceuticals about marketing their new erectile dysfunction medicine. He’s worked up an ad with a man standing in between two women, one who is scantly dressed, that reads “Your wife doesn’t have to know and neither does your girlfriend”. Also another ad of the man standing in between a woman and a man, the man is scantly dressed, with “You’re wife doesn’t have to know and neither does your boyfriend”. His female client doesn’t like it. She thinks it’s soft porn, crude and offensive. She thinks it makes light of a serious medical problem. (This from the people who named their drug for said serious medical condition “Instant Wood”?!) Her male companion agrees. She wants to see a happily married couple with gray in their hair cuddling by the fireplace with a slogan about “rekindling the flame”. Her male companion says it’s conservative times they’re living in and that “sex no longer sells”. (*Snort* Yeah, right! I guess no one in Hollywood got that memo! Sex will NEVER stop selling.) They want a new ad. Justin is helping Mel and Lindz pack, he’s picturing them as immigrants out to conquer a new world. They laugh that it’s not like that. They’ll be living close to a Starbucks and a Gap in Toronto. Their future is secure, Lindz states, and so is Justin’s. Justin says it will be sad not coming over to visit them or being able to see Gus and J.R. Mel tells him he will have to come visit them. They’ll have a place for him if he ever decides to leave Brian. Lindz scolds her and Mel says it was just a joke. She says she knows that Brian and Justin will be happy. They’ll all be happy.

SomyGirl: Michael meeting with the congresswoman from a previous episode, the one who first appeared in the Stop Prop. 14 meeting at the GLC earlier this season. Anyhow, she’s there on behalf of the Human Rights Committee. She says that, since the bombing, support has risen to stop Prop. 14. They want to act on that and show the American people that most gay men and women are not that different from straight people. They’re not all the transsexuals and leather bears seen at Gay Pride. They’re like Michael and Ben, they have partners, families and homes. The Committee wants Michael to make a speech for them at a press conference. Michael’s unsure, saying he’s not much of a public speaker but the woman assures that a speech writer will write up something for him to say. They just need him to read it. Michael agrees. At the loft, Brian is going over his revised ads for “Instant Wood” when Justin walks up and checks out the ad. It has, like the client requested, an elderly couple cuddled in front of a fire place. Justin jokes that he thought, at that age, when you were on the floor it meant “you’ve fallen and can’t get up”. (The way Randy says the line cracks me up). Brian has several ads with different slogans and asks which one Justin likes. He doesn’t like any of them. Brian says that just because Justin wouldn’t watch “Geriatrics Gone Wild” doesn’t mean they can’t have sex. Justin explains that it’s not that, it’s that the ads aren’t funny or edgy and certainly not sexy. Brian asks hadn’t Justin heard? Sex is out. Who told you that, Justin inquires as he grabs Brian’s crotch

SomyGirl: . He tells Brian to put on his sluttiest club clothes and bring plenty of drugs because they are going out. Brian tries to decline, saying he thought they could just spend a nice, quiet evening at home. Justin laughs like “Yeah, right” to that. Cut to Woody’s where Justin has drug Brian there for his stag party. The gang is all on hand and they have fun ragging Brian a bit. Vachon is sitting off away from the party and Ted goes over to him, wanting him to join in but Vachon would rather sit alone. Ted goes to the bar to get them a drink and has a friendly chat with the bartender, mostly about his new man Vachon. Emmett approaches Ted then and Em apologizes for what he said earlier. He admits that maybe he is a bit jealous but not because Ted has Vachon, he’s jealous because Vachon has Ted. TEMMETT make up, Ted promising that Em will always have him (Ted). They hug and Ted carries the drinks back over to a now pissed off Vachon who tells him to shove the drinks and storms out. Ted follows him and wants to know what he’s so upset about. Vachon, it would seem, is a bit nutty. He accuses Ted of hitting on the bartender and secretly having a romance with Emmett. Ted insists that isn’t true! He was telling the bartender about his great new boyfriend and Emmett is just his friend, he’s just socializing with his friends. Vachon says Ted can call it “socializing” but he calls it Ted acting like a slut. He never wants to see Ted again. Vachon storms off and Ted is near tears. Back at the bar, Michael gets everyone’s attention and the boys have more fun with Brian, making a toast in his memory. I’d give more details but the sound is bad again and I’m not sure exactly all that is said, just that it’s full of sexual innuendos. Brian and Justin are laughing at the toasts. They all drink to Brian and the male stripper is brought out. He wants to lead Brian off for a little fun but Brian calls a halt to it. Again, the sound is bad, completely muted at some places so I’m not sure exactly what is being said. Just that Brian declines the stripper. Justin tells him to go ahead and have a little fun, Justin doesn’t mind. But Brian refuses, telling Justin something I never could hear. He kisses Justin on the cheek and passes the stripper on to Emmett. Justin looks at Brian like “Who are you and when will your Mothership return my boyfriend?”

SomyGirl: Mel and Lindz coming downstairs to find Brian holding Gus on the couch. Very cute scene. Brian is explaining to Gus how to be the ring bearer at the wedding. Brian does a deep voice for the way the “BullDyke Minister” will sound when she asks for the rings, it sounds more like a Dark Vader impersonation to me. Gus giggles when Brian does it. They practice with Gus giggling like mad when Brian does his deep voice impersonation, requesting the rings. Gus brings them to Brian and Brian scoops him up, kissing him on the head. Mel says Brian has finally grown a heart. Brian hopes she has the same luck growing a penis one day. Lindz takes Gus upstairs for his nap and he tells Brian good-bye, calling him some kind of “chicken”. (I assume it must be an “inside joke” between the Gus twins and Gale since ‘Gus’ does this again later on and Gale laughs both times.) Mel and Brian have a moment alone together were she wants to make amends for the past but Brian asks can’t they just leave the country without making such a big deal out of everything? Mel says they will try, but she does want to sincerely wish him and Justin all the happiness on earth. Brian says he wants her to know he’s really glad she will be at the wedding. Mel is touched and thanks him. “It would have really fucked up Justin’s seating arrangement,” Brian just has to add. He gets up to leave and sees a painting that Justin has done for Mel and Lindz as a going away gift. Mel thinks it’s like having a Picasso before it was a Picasso. “He really is good, isn’t he,” Brian states. Mel says he is so Brian had better be good to him, especially considering what Justin is sacrificing to be with Brian. Brian considers her words. At the diner, Debbie is pimping out Michael’s press conference. She stops for a moment to help Hunter with his homework. She reminds Kiki of Michael’s press conference, but that is the same time of Kiki’s tranny support group so Deb tells her to bring them all along. At the counter, Ted is telling Emmett about how Vachon went from this sweet guy to a jealous, paranoid jerk in seconds. Em says it sounds to him like Vachon has a borderline personality disorder. (Thank you for that diagnosis, Dr. Honeycutt.) Ted can’t believe he didn’t see this coming and Em tells him to stop beating himself up and just be happy that Vachon is gone before things got uglier. Em assures Ted that the right guy for him will come along someday. Michael and Brian having lunch together in a nice restaurant, both dressed in suits and ties. Michael thinks he should wear this suit to the wedding, what does Brian think? Brian doesn’t care if he shows up naked, as long as he’s there to give Brian away. Michael jokes that maybe he’ll wear his black leather pants.

SomyGirl: Brian remembers the ones he wore the first night they went to Babylon. Outside the window, we see “teenage Brian and Michael” on the street looking in at the adult Brian and Michael while they stare out at the image of them as youths. Young!Michael is in his black leather pants, a Captain Astro T-shirt and a denim jacket. Young!Brian is wearing ripped up jeans, an awful flowery shirt and a Michael Jackson-ish leather coat. They recall how Michael’s pants were so tight he could barely move, Michael remembers how much they hurt his balls. And not to mention Brian’s shirt, Michael laughs. Brian asked what was wrong with his shirt and Michael says that no self-respecting pimp would have been caught dead in that shirt! Brian says he thought he looked pretty hot and Michael agrees that he did. Young!Brian and Young!Michael rough house each other out of the window and it’s back to the present with the two adult men. Michael admits that he went home the night of their first Babylon visit and jerked off thinking about Brian. “Well, what do you know? I jerked off thinking about me, too,” Brian replies. Michael kind of laughs. They’re quiet for a moment and Michael sadly says that who would have ever thought that one day Babylon would be gone and they’d be sitting there in suits. Talking about their wild and recklessly dressed youth, Brian adds. Michael asks if it’s pathetic and Brian replies either “Inevitable” or “inevitably”, I can’t be sure which one. The waiter comes over for their drink orders. Brian wants a merlot and Michael orders a Pepsi, but then changes his order to a white wine. At the press conference for the Committee for Human Rights, Michael is on stage sitting with Ben and Hunter and going over his prepared speech. He’s nervous but the Congresswoman comes over to assure him to just stick to the speech and everything will be fine. Debbie comes in with Emmett and Kiki and some of Kiki’s friends and they take the seats up front reserved for Michael’s guests. Congresswoman is horrified at the sight of them and has them moved to the back and out of camera range. She returns to her seat beside Michael and he sees his family and friends being moved. He asks what is going on and she lies to him, saying there was a mix up with the seating and those seats were meant to be reserved for someone else. Gay couples with children are given the seats of Debbie, Em, Kiki and friends instead. The congresswoman starts the press conference and speaks about the Babylon bombing and stopping Prop. 14. She vows to keep fighting for the rights of all Americans, straight and gay, and we see a shot of Deb & Friends who are having to stand in the back of the room. Congresswoman introduces Michael who steps to the microphone. He starts to read from the prepared script about how he was lucky to survive the bombing but he’d put himself in harms way again to stop this proposition. He reads about having a loving partner, kids, a business, and how he’s “just like you”. Another shot of Deb, Em, Kiki and pals in the background as they are the “undesirable” set, I guess. Michael stops then, puts away the written speech and speaks from his heart. He says that’s not entirely true. In some ways, he is “just like you” in that he wants to be happy and secure. But in other ways, his life is nothing like that of other people’s. Why should it be? Does everyone have to have the same lives to have the same rights? He thought diversity was what this country was all about. He says in the gay community there is diversity, from drag queens to leather bears to trannies to couples with kids. Michael points out his mother and his friends for the cameras and says his mother told him once that people are like snowflakes, everyone is unique. But being different is what makes everyone the same, makes them all family. The audience applauds Michael. Hunter and Ben are proud of him. Ted at home and about to pour himself a glass of OJ when there’s a knock at his door. He goes to answer it and it’s Vachon. Vachon breezes in, acting like nothing has happened. He thinks their ski vacation is still on but Ted is like “WTF is wrong with you if you think it’s all forgave and forgotten!”. Vachon tries to worm him way back into Ted’s good graces but Ted’s not having it and asks him to leave. Vachon refuses and starts having another meltdown, insulting Ted and pushing him around. Ted has to physically shove Vachon out of his apartment and lock the door to keep him out. Vachon cries at the door, begging Ted to let him back in but Ted’s not budging his resolve this time. Good for you Ted, Buh-Bye Vachon!Tad.

SomyGirl: Brian and Justin in bed at the loft. Brian is under the covers with his back to Justin. Justin is lying on his back with a leg drapped over Brian’s body. Justin is reading. He puts his book away and says he had a dream last night about them in the new house. Brian asks what were they doing? Cooking, gardening, sitting by the fire? Justin laughs not exactly and gets under the covers with Brian. It was a sex dream of “riding in the stables, diving into the pools, getting slammed on the tennis court”. Justin wants to give Brian a blowjob and disappears under the covers. Brian asks wouldn’t he just like to cuddle instead and a horrified Justin pops out from under the covers. Cuddle?! Did Brian Kinney just use the word “Cuddle”?! Brian fucks, sucks, rims and rams but he does not cuddle! Brian apologizes for the use of such an offensive word and promises to never do it again but Justin’s not letting it drop. He hops out of the bed and says that every day they get closer to the wedding, the person Justin knows gets further away. Brian insists that he’s right here but Justin says no, Brian is not acting like himself. Looks like Brian, feels like Brian, sounds like Brian, but it’s not Brian. Brian says he’s trying to make Justin happy and Justin argues that he doesn’t want Brian to do that, he wants Brian to do what makes Brian happy. “What about you?” Brian turns the tables and brings up NY. Justin climbs back in bed and declares to “fuck NY and fuck the art world”. Brian thinks he’s scared to take the chance on NY but Justin argues he’s not. He tries to say he doesn’t want it but Brian knows that is bullshit. If it weren’t for Brian and the marriage, would Justin go to NY? Justin argues he can’t answer because he doesn’t know. But Brian does. They both agree that they don’t want the other to sacrifice who they are and call it love. They lie back in bed together, heads close and kinda holding each other. Debbie serving Michael a sundae because it’s as sweet as him and then whops him upside the head to remind him of what will happen if he ever stops being a good son. Michael and Ben call Hunter over and ask him to take a seat. Ben says they got his report card and he passed all his subjects so that means he can now graduate with his class. They’re all happy. Michael and Ben give Hunter a journal with the initials “H.N.B.” on it for Hunter Novotny-Bruckner. They tell him that they want to legally adopt him if he agrees to it. Of course he does. And they’d better do it fast in the event that Prop. 14 passes. At the rehearsal dinner, the gang is chatting about what to get Brian and Justin. Ben wonders what you get the man (Brian) who’s literally already had everthing (and everyone, he means). Lindsay suggests a water buffalo and tries to explain Justin’s water buffalo joke of season two. (That’s continuity, yo!) Daphne, who is looking absolutely gorgeous in this scene, says that Justin’s already got everything he ever wanted. Brian and Justin arrive then and everyone cheers and applauds for them. Justin thanks them for coming to the dinner. But the wedding is off, Brian finishes. The gang laughs nervously, thinking it’s a joke but Justin assures them that it’s true. They’ve decided not to get married. They smile at each other, both seeming fine and at peace with the decision. Their friends are stunned silent, except for Deb who wonders how one returns a water buffalo.

SomyGirl: Cut to Kinnetiks were Brian is meeting with his clients again and shows them the re-done ad. The female clients loves it, it’s intimate, warm and romantic. All the feelings a woman associates with love-making, Brian agrees. Some women, Cynthia corrects. (Thank you, Cynthia.) But Brian says the problem is that women aren’t going to be buying their product, men are. And men want to have sex, it’s why they’re paying ten bucks a pop for this pill. Not cuddle in front of a fire with a nice woman who looks like their mother, but to fuck and get off. The woman still wants the new ad but Brian tells her she can’t have it. Despite the conservative times, it’s still all about sex. Sex sells and always will. And if they don’t like it, they can take their business elsewhere. Mel and Lindz deciding what they will take with them to Canada, what they’ll sell and what goes into storage. Lindz wants to keep one of the tables. She says she keeps telling herself it’s just a house, but everywhere she looks she sees them. Like over there -- cue flashback to season one and Gus’ bris (sp?). Cue a season two flashback of Mel’s wedding proposal. Mel has a memory of her and Lindz breaking up in season four but she doesn’t want to talk about that. Lindz says the bad memories are a part of them, too. Without them they won’t appreciate the good ones. They decide to make one more memory and start to kiss. At Mt. Flame, Emmett and Ted have gone together to celebrate Ted’s birthday. They’re sitting in front of the fireplace and Em has a birthday cake for Ted brought over. Em tells him to make a wish and blow out the candles. Ted says that every year he always wishes for the same thing -- a boyfriend, someone to love who will love him. But this year he’s decided to wish for something else. The wisdom and maturity to realize that he won’t find what he wants by looking for it. He can’t expect a man to give him what he’s never given himself. Ted says he’s not a half waiting to be whole, he gets that now. Even if he never finds love, he will be just fine. Ted blows out his candles and literally the moment he does, who should walk up but Blake. Blake speaks and Ted is stunned to see him. Blake is on the gay ski team and there for gay ski week at Mt. Flame. They make small talk and flirt a bit and Em sends them off together to catch up. Em takes a swipe of icing from Ted’s cake and a guy walks up to him who, as a Southerner, let me say has one of the WORST fake Southern accents since “North & South” was made. He asks isn’t he Emmett Honeycutt of the Hazelhurst, Mississippi Honeycutts. Em is and finally recognizes the guy as Calvin Culpepper. They went to high school together and apparently Em had a bit of a crush on him back them. Emmett suggests they go to his room and “reminisce about old times”. Now it’s time to send off the lesbians (too bad this wasn’t done in season one!). J.R. is in her car-seat and Michael is leaning into the car and says good-bye to her. He stands back up as Debbie crudely hopes everyone peed before they left. Michael frets about the car and Mel assures she had it serviced. Ben makes them promise to call when they arrive and Debbie demands that they come back for holidays. Lindsay and Brian exchange a sad look. Mel and Lindz take turns hugging Michael, Ben and Debbie. Michael stares sadly into the window at J.R. then hugs Mel again. Brian opens the car door for Lindsay who asks him if he’s going to be all right. “Without you cwazy wesbians?” he asks. Lindsay says she meant Justin. “He’s a selfish prick, thinks only of himself,” Brian declares. “You taught him well,” Lindsay replies. It’s not said in a serious or bitter manner, but to imply that the opposite is true and they both know it. Lindz is about to cry then says she’s sorry. Then reminds of Brian’s motto, “No apologizes”. “No regrets,” Brian adds as he kisses her good-bye. Brian’s about to cry (or maybe I’m the one about to cry) and he leans in the rolled down back window to kiss Gus on the forehead and whisper “Bye, son”. Gus replies with another “Bye, Chicken” and starts to sing as the car pulls off. J.R. is crying. Mel and Lindz drive down the road as the gang waves good-bye to them.

SomyGirl: At the loft, Brian is pouring himself and Justin a drink while Justin packs. He asks when Justin’s flight is and it’s at ten. He brings Justin the drink as Justin tells him that he’s found a place to stay with a friend of Daphne’s. Work space will be hard to come by, though. Brian feels he’ll manage, he always does. Justin insists that he will be back and he really seems to believe it. Brian doesn’t seem quite as sure. Anyhow, Justin says he will be back and Brian will come there, they’ll see each other all the time. “You don’t know that, neither do I,” Brian corrects. “Whether we see each other next weekend or next month or never again, it doesn’t matter. It’s only time.” They both down their drinks and Justin sits his glass down on the coffee table. He spots the wedding rings and picks the box up, questioning that Brian didn’t return them. Brian says no, he didn’t return them. Brian smiles kinda sadly. Justin opens the box and touches the rings. He closes it, puts it down and walks back to Brian. He tells Brian that they don’t need rings or vows to prove that they love each other. They already know that. Brian smiles and nods. Brian tells Justin that he did it and Justin questions what. “Became . . . the best homosexual you could possibly be.” Brian grabs Justin and begins to kiss him almost desperately. They stare at each other for a long moment, kissing and touching. This fades into a scene of them making love as their past love scenes play out like a video on their bodies. The scene reminds me alot of their first love scene in 101. Afterwards, Brian stares down at Justin, touches his face and then buries his (Brian’s) face into Justin’s neck. Long shot of them lying on the bed together, Brian lying on top of Justin. This fades into a scene of Brian lying in the same position, only Justin’s gone. Then of Brian sitting alone and smoking on the bed. Then Brian working at his computer. Michael lets himself into the loft and says he thought Brian might like some company. Brian asks what he’s doing out so late and Michael replies that it’s barely midnight. In the “good old days”, they’d just be getting to Babylon right now. Brian reminds that Babylon and the good old days are gone. Michael tosses him his jacket and says not yet. Cut to the bombed out interior of Babylon. They turn the lights on and Michael can’t believe the state of the place now. They reminisce about how this is the place they came the night of their senior prom. They dumped their dates and sunk in to Babylon, got stoned and danced and Brian got a blowjob in the backroom. “This is were it all began,” Michael recalls. “And ended,” Brian sadly adds. Michael argues that this is who they are, this is what made them. Brian reminds that Michael was the one who said Babylon was just a cheap illusion were nothing changes on the inside but life goes on in the outside world. Michael acknowledges that he did say that, but that was before he understood that some things aren’t meant to change. He asks Brian to dance with him but Brian scoffs at that, saying there is no music. Michael insists there is, can’t he feel that old “Thumpa, thumpa”. Michael pulls ones of the dance tiers over and Brian yells at him that he’s going to bust his stitches. Michael hops on it and wants to dance but Brian’s not too interested. He starts to walk out, saying he’s too . . . “Old?” Michael interrupts. He says that Brian will always he young and always be beautiful. He’s Brian Kinney, for fuck’s sake! Brian kinda smiles and comes back. Michael pulls him up on the dance tier and Michael starts to dance. Brian does, too, but he’s not that into it at first. Michael says their song is playing and “Proud” (from season one, 101 I believe) starts to play in the background. The two dance. A really, really long drawn out dance scene. Brian gets more and more into it until he's finally lost in the music. The camera starts to swirl around them and around Babylon and Babylon is slowly restored as the cameras swirls. Suddenly everything is back to it’s past Babylon glory. Lights going, confetti falling, dancers dancing, the place is packed with customers, people coming in and out, drinks being served, and Brian and Michael are dancing on the tier. They dance for a long time. (Really, if the show HAD to end with an emphasis on anyone’s dancing, why’d it have to be Gale? As much as I love the man’s acting, his dancing is cringe worthy. Not that Hal’s is that much better.) Emmett is in the crowd dancing with Calvin Culpepper. But Em can actually dance and move so why let the camera focus on him for too long, right?

SomyGirl: Ben is in the crowd smiling up at Michael. Ted and Blake are close to the bar, laughing and kinda hugging up to each other as they talk. Michael gives Brian a kiss and then gets down and goes to Ben. They start kissing and making out. We get shots of Brian, Michael & Ben, Blake & Ted, and Emmett dancing some more as Michael’s voice over ends the show. He says that the gay “Thumpa, thumpa” goes on and always will, no matter who’s in the White House. As the lady of disco, Gloria Gaynor has always sung to them -- “We will survive”. The final shots are of Gale’s bad moves as Brian dances alone on the tier, confetti falling around him. The credits roll as “Proud” continues to play. After the credits, there is one last little clip of Brian, Emmett, Michael, Ben and Ted all on the tier together. Michael, Ben and Ted are laughing and talking to each other and Brian and Emmett are hugging. Although a part of me wonders if this is meant to be the characters or if it’s just a moment between the actors themselves. And that, my friends, is the end of the series.

Даня: Ох, теперь фоток на всю жизнь хватит. Но как-то он мне совсем с этой бородкой не прёт.

shimatta: Грустно, дорогие товарищи! Сериал нужно было прервать на 308 серии. Брайан умирал от счастья, мы умирали от счастья – и вот на этой оптимистической ноте и нужно было закончить.

Bla-Bla-Bla: Значит все-таки они расстались.... блиин, я уже чувствую, что реветь буду...

shimatta: Я уже реву. Ну что за свинство, ВСЕХ пристроили, даже Тед под конец нарасхват пошел. Эммета вроде бы не пристроили, но Эммет - неубиваемый товарищ, он и так не пропадет. А бедного Брайана опустили ниже плинтуса. В таком финале, конечно, куда больше сермяжной правды, чем в варианте со свадьбой. Но это же сериал!! На фига нам правда, хочу, чтоб кончалось хорошо и красиво!!! Ну и ладно, не больно-то и хотелось. Тогда предлагаю такой вариант дальнейшего развития событий. Проходит несколько лет. Солнце случайно вспоминает, что у него в Питтсбурге мама живет, и приезжает к ней в гости. А Брайан тем временем повзрослел, остепенился и завел себе другого мальчика, от которого ходит налево только по праздникам. Джастину это не нравится - так и не получилось у него стать для Брайана единственным светом в окошке, он кусает себе локти, но недолго. В Голливуде он всегда найдет, с кем утешиться. Б. и Дж. расстаются друзьями, Дж. бросается навстречу новым сексуальным подвигам, а Б. мирно возвращается в семью, по дороге привычно зажав в угол парочку первых встречных, для него подвиги - это уже рутина.

SomyGirl: Ну они ведь не растались ! "Неважно когда мы увидим друг друга , на следующие выходные или в следущем месяце - это просто время ! "

asy99: Брайан умирал от счастья, мы умирали от счастья Это точно.

asy99: блин, мне тож грустно стало (

SomyGirl: Я бы предпочла другой расклад- Брайн и Джастин остаются в Питсбурге влюбленые и счастливые , Тэд встречает другого парня , нового героя в последних сериях ( возвращаться к Блейку слишком просто и если у них не получилось в первый раз то и сейчас в это трудно поверить ). Эммет конечно с Дрю ( я рада , что авторы нашли ему достойную пару ). Мэлани и Линдси сытые по горло рутиной , ложью и битвами за детей решают просто остаться подругами и Мэл уставшая от повседневноси завязывает отношения со своей новой клиенткой с которой у нее много общих взглядов и такойже темпераментный характер . Линдси продвигается на работе и становиться директором благотворительной организации , где она может выплеснуть все свое добро и познакомиться с новыми людьми , будет ходить по гостям , купит машину , сделает новую стрижку и станет бизнесс-леди .Возможно даже заведет одноразовую интрижку с молоденькой асистенткой . Майкл наконец взрослеет и делает то , чего он боялся - переезжает вместе с Бэном, которому предложили преподавать в престижном институте и Хантером в другой город . Понимая , что теперь у него своя семья , а у Брайна своя и вся их любовь это просто братская превязанность , он принимает первое в своей жизни мужское решение .

shimatta: Все бы предпочли! Но поросенок Джастин плюет на наши предпочтения и желает покорять мир. И ведь он прав, язык не поворачивается обвинять его в бездушном отношении к бедному Брайану и несчастным нам! Если бы он еще недалеко уехал, например, в Нью-Йорк. Но я так поняла, что он едет именно в Голливуд, а это не ближний свет, запросто махнуть домой на уик-энд не получится. А Майки, мне кажется, УЖЕ оторвался от Брайана. Начал отрываться, как только появился Бен, а к 5 сезону этот процесс уже завершился. Майкл, так же, как и Дебби, не может жить один, ему обязательно нужно кого-то любить и о ком-то заботиться. Пока не было мужа, был Брайан. Появился муж - Брайан может идти курить. Майки некогда бегать с ним по Вавилонам, у него родительское собрание в школе. Опять же - Брайан остается одиноким и покинутым. В общем, вывод такой: нужно устроить Джастина работать поближе к дому. А Тед... не знаю. Блейк почему-то вызывает симпатию, жалко от него отказываться. Уж очень все между ними было искренне и трогательно.

SomyGirl: На своем опыте я не раз убеждалась , какими бы прекрасными , искренимип отношения у тебя небыли после разрыва никогда не стоит возвращаться к бывшему ! Потом будет еще хуже . Looks like QAF is being used as a springboard for new programming, as evidenced by this tidbit from Yahoo news: WEEDS, a single-camera comedy starring Mary-Louise Parker, Elizabeth Perkins, Kevin Nealon and Justin Kirk exposes the dirty little secrets that lie behind the pristine lawns and shiny closed doors of homes in the fictional town of Agrestic, California. It will enjoy a special "sneak preview" at 11 PM on Sunday, August 7, immediately following the QUEER AS FOLK one-hour series finale to give it maximum sampling. On June 18th, 2005, Robert Gant will present an award to Lambda Legal at the Human Rights Campaign banquet to be held at the Beverly Hilton, 9876 Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills, CA. Robert will guest star on the new TNT series "The Closer," starring Kyra Sedgwick. His episode is set to air sometime in August of 2005. And as if that wasn't enough, Robert is also featured in this month's issue of People magazine's 50 Hottest Bachelors, as one of the 12 Sexy Men of the Moment. "These 12 sexy stars are in the spotlight-and out of this galaxy!" reads the headline. The article mentions that Robert is 36 years old, plays Ben Bruckner on QAF, and that he and two partners are lining up projects for their production company, mythgarden. Now that he's moved into a new place in the Hollywood Hills, he says, "I bought a whole set of pots and pans because I'm dying to learn how to cook. It would be fun to do it with a boyfriend." The actor is planning to get a chocolate Lab. "I'm going to do the whole puppy thing. I love cats, but I'm allergic to them. I guess I could get shots, though, so cats wouldn't be a deal breaker if somebody had them." Randy Harrison and Gale Harold are both mentioned in "ATLANTAboy: An Insider's Guide to Gay Atlanta," the city's first gay travel book written by two friends who grew up together. They give "insider tips" on exploring the city in which they've spent 20 years of their lives, including the fact that "The two lead stars of Queer As Folk -- Gale Harold (Brian Kinney) and Randy Harrison (Justin Taylor) -- are both from Atlanta."

Bla-Bla-Bla: SomyGirl На том свете - тоже время...

SomyGirl: Приколные отзывы журналистов о превых сериях сезона 4 случайно нашла и посмеялась . Queer as Folk Michael can't figure out how Brian can love him. Me, I can't figure out how Brian can even like him, what with him returning Brian's 'Vette covered in mud and full of empty burger boxes. Loyalty's loyalty, sure, but hey — cars are cars. CowLip дали интервью и рассказали о поседних сериях !!! "In terms of the characters and personal relationships, we've always said the show is about boys becoming men. People mature differently. Sometimes we have this vision that you must couple up, have children, and that's how you mature. But I don't think that's necessarily true. I think you can mature and still hold on to whatever your sexual mores or attitudes are. This has always been a big bone of contention in the gay community, so we have a situation going on like that this year, between Michael and Brian, that reflects that." Is this statement in line with the opinion that B/J are together in the end and committed to eachother. I think it works, but I'm not sure... "But then you have Brian, who sort of embodies the other side of that, which is the gay culture you hold on to: "We are not heterosexuals, we do not play by those rules, we do not have to be married." Again, I think this still works with the assumption that B/J are together and committed to eachother, just in an unconventional way. We are queer, if we are together it is because we want to be, not because there are locks on our doors...And IMO, they do WANT to be together... "Q -- Which one character do you feel the most protective of? > I feel the most protective of Brian. I'm very protective of him > and his attitude, because I really think that Brian is very much > an Ayn Rand-ian character. [It's] very classic, his individualism > and her philosophy of individualism, which is basically: You take > care of yourself first, and that enables you to take care of > other people. Because you're not resentful, you don't sacrifice > for other people." I just don't see this as precluding being in a committed relationship which I believe Brian wants in the end. I can't fathom having opened Brian up to love, that he wants to be alone now. And if Brian is the character they are most protective of, why would they want him to hurt? Again, leaving Brian as a man in love and truly loved, commtted to Justin, doesn't mean giving up whatever other sexual mores or attitudes that work for them -- including a non-monogomous relationship. But certainly they want Brian to have the benefits of a loving relationship, unconvential as it is, don't they? "I remember the first season people were telling us that we > needed to change Brian, that he needed to be domesticated or > people would end up hating him. But we didn't. There is a > moment in the final season where he is almost domesticated, > but he breaks free of that, and his true colors come out. So > we definitely played with him a little bit in the final season, > but we knew that we wanted to show the layers of him and his > humanity." Anybody have an opinion on what he's saying here? Brian is almost domesticated and then his true colors come out? I'm not getting it. I thought it was more about both B/J realizing they could still have eachother and remain true to themselves -- not true colors coming out... "I think it's a very satisfying ending. It's not a situation > where all ends are tied up, it's not happily ever after, > necessarily, but I think it does reflect what's happening in > the world regarding the gay community, and I think it is very > hopeful." Hopeful for B/J as well?... I know, I view everything through the B/J lens, but I can't help it... >

SomyGirl: ПРОДОЛЖЕНИЕ следует > Planet Out > > June 28, 2005 > > Dan Lipman Says Goodbye to "QAF" > > When audiences were first introduced to "Queer as Folk" > five years ago, the world seemed a more innocent and tolerant > place. Y2K had been much ado about nothing. The date September > 11 had no particular significance. And most people were going > happily about their lives, reaping the benefits of the dot-com > boom. For the gay community, the Clinton years had marked a > time of unprecedented gains in tolerance and visibility. > > It was in this atmosphere that executive producers Daniel > Lipman and Ron Cowen launched their unflinching, unapologetic, > insightful and entertaining look at gay life in America, > "Queer as Folk." > > Five years later, we find the "Queer as Folk" characters > living in a much different world, one that Lipman and Cowen > could never have imagined when they brought the groundbreaking > series to the States. > > During these five years, the series has generated both > critical acclaim and righteous indignation. Fans have lauded > its realistic representation of gay life, which has so often > been relegated to the status of comic relief or melodrama. > Critics, straight and gay, have bemoaned the show's emphasis > on sex and drugs. > > The series launched its fifth and final season in the middle > of a divisive, escalating cultural war in America. Rather than > take the easy way out, Lipman and Cowen felt it necessary to > put their characters right in the middle of the battlefield. > > Lipman spoke to PlanetOut entertainment editor Jenny Stewart > about the end of the hit series. > > Q -- It sounds like a daunting task, having to decide how to end TV's > first-ever dramatic series about gays. What was the process like, > and can you give us some idea of how you're ending it? > > If you asked me last year what the final season would be like, > I would have had a very, very different view of it. Back when > we filmed season 4, it seemed like the 21st century was going > to be a little more civilized and more tolerant than the last > century in terms of gay rights. > > But things really changed after the election. There are laws > being passed in several states where not only can gay people > not marry but they also cannot adopt, they can't be foster > parents. On top of that, right now in Michigan there is a bill > waiting to pass where doctors can decline to give health care > to gay people. So things have really taken a step backwards, > and we have to reflect this. > > In terms of the characters and personal relationships, we've > always said the show is about boys becoming men. People mature > differently. Sometimes we have this vision that you must couple up, > have children, and that's how you mature. But I don't think > that's necessarily true. I think you can mature and still hold > on to whatever your sexual mores or attitudes are. This has > always been a big bone of contention in the gay community, so > we have a situation going on like that this year, between > Michael and Brian, that reflects that. > > There are gay people everywhere who want to assimilate into > the population. You see these neighborhoods all over the place > now where gay people move in and they sort of gentrify them. > And a lot of them are family-friendly because they are having > children together. > > Michael and Ben sort of embody that. But then you have Brian, > who sort of embodies the other side of that, which is the gay > culture you hold on to: "We are not heterosexuals, we do not > play by those rules, we do not have to be married." > > Q -- The show is ending at a time that is particularly bad for gays > politically. Were you tempted to do one more season just so die- hard > fans would at least have something to look forward to? > > Funny you should mention that. Peter Paige said to me a couple > of months ago, "Considering what's going on in the world, it's > a shame we couldn't go one more season." And I said "No, Peter. > That's the way you leave."

SomyGirl: И наконец .......... Прочитайте до конца , найдете СЮРПРИЗ !!! > > To me, it's better to hear fans sigh and say, "Ugh, it's going > off the [air], I'm going to miss those characters" than have > those same fans sigh and say, "Ugh, the show has been on for > 11 years." I suppose we could have continued without the > actors, because most were on contract for five years and some > would have stayed and some would have gone. But to reconceive > it and bring on new characters -- I don't know, it just seemed > right to end it. > > We [were] always resigned the show would be five seasons, and > one of the things I'm proud of is that we've kept it edgy and > challenging. > I don't think there would ever have been a "QAF" before, and I don't > think there will ever be another "QAF." I think we had this one window > of time. > > Q -- Which one character do you feel the most protective of? > > I feel the most protective of Brian. I'm very protective of him > and his attitude, because I really think that Brian is very much > an Ayn Rand-ian character. [It's] very classic, his individualism > and her philosophy of individualism, which is basically: You take > care of yourself first, and that enables you to take care of > other people. Because you're not resentful, you don't sacrifice > for other people. > > There's a scene in the new season where he announces he's going > to buy Babylon, and he says, "I'm queer, and those of you who > don't like it, fuck you." That kind of attitude is just > astounding. He's probably one of the most original and > unusual characters ever to be on television. > > I remember the first season people were telling us that we > needed to change Brian, that he needed to be domesticated or > people would end up hating him. But we didn't. There is a > moment in the final season where he is almost domesticated, > but he breaks free of that, and his true colors come out. So > we definitely played with him a little bit in the final season, > but we knew that we wanted to show the layers of him and his > humanity. > > Q -- It seems like straight women, lesbians and even straight men > admire Brian a lot more than gay men do. Why do so many gay male > viewers hate Brian? > > I think because straight women, gay women and straight men > don't bring the baggage. I think the reason so many gay men > hate Brian is because there's a lot of the "shame factor." A > lot of gay men have had this kind of very specific sexual life > in their youth, and there's a sort of shame factor that rises > within them with Brian. > > Q -- Robert Gant said that, with all due respect to Hal Sparks, > who's straight, he thought it would be great to do sex scenes > with another openly gay actor, so there wouldn't be boundaries. > Then it occurred to me that all of the sex scenes on the show are > between one gay actor and one straight actor. Why is that? > > That was just by coincidence. It just turned out that way > through casting that some actors would be doing love scenes > opposite openly gay or openly straight actors. It's remarkable, > actually, that we've got three gay and three straight leads. I > think the chemistry is so great between all of them: Bobby > and Hal, Gale and Randy and Peter and Scott. > > And as far as Robert goes, I have to go along with him. > Because he's in the trenches doing this. It's one thing > for me to conceive it and write it and have meetings about > those scenes. To actually be in them is a completely different > thing. > > Q --Fans of the show are so nervous about the finale. Fan > sites are loaded with predictions on how it will end. Do you > think people will be satisfied? Anything shocking? > > I think there are a lot of shocking things along the way. In > fact, in the last three episodes there are some pretty shocking > things. > But everything is still in character, so it's ... realistically > shocking. I > don't think there are any situations where we like, you know, jump > the shark! We've never done anything for the sake of shocking. > > I think it

SomyGirl: Тот самый сюрприз click here Можно скачать все сцены Брайна и Джастина 501-507 click here

SomyGirl: НОВЫЕ ФОТО ГЭЙЛА , только не говорите , что у меня плохое зрение !!!!!!!!! УУУ,........! http://tinypic.com/6xx8p3.jpg click here

SomyGirl: С днем рождения Гэйл Харольд !!!!

SomyGirl: Рэнди ........!!!!!ФОТО. click here click here click here

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SomyGirl: from Tv-Guide "Ask the critics" Question: A year ago I wrote you complaining about Queer as Folk. I do think the show has improved this season, and last Sunday's episode had this absolutely resounding scene. It had nothing to do with the bombing of the gay nightclub, or Brian finally telling Justin he loved him. It was a very early scene where the gang were hanging up their anti-proposition signs and having to listen to a parade of people on bullhorns yelling about protecting children and stopping the homosexual agenda. And the look on our heroes' faces? It wasn't the self-righteous indignation that QAF thrives on sometimes. It was just a look of hurt — almost confusion — that totally hit the nail of today's gay experience on the head, as least for me: the fact that you simply cannot comprehend why another human being thinks you are so awful and is so against you. QAF has always had this habit of preaching to the choir, but I think this was the most honest scene that show has ever done. — Tim Matt Roush: And then they had to resort to melodrama with the club bombing. Because I'm away for a few weeks and out of my usual viewing patterns, I'm a bit behind on QAF's final season, so I haven't seen this episode. But it's good to remember, as the show is about to finish its run, that at its best (infrequent as that has been in the last few seasons), Queer as Folk humanized gay characters in a way TV had never seen before. I only wish the show had remained more true to its initial premise of the gays next door, who lived and thrived and worked (and yes, had sex) in and around a straight world. By heightening and contriving the drama, and as a result insulating the characters in a gay bubble, it lost an element that could have made this a profoundly more important series. Still, I'm hopeful it will go out with some dignity.

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